
She stretches entwining limbs
circling eagerly the pergola.

Brazen eye of the sun, blows
scented kisses circumsolar

Passing lovers touch her fragrant fingers
an aura of sensual memory lingers

and then it is dusk
whose broad strokes of grey
dim to black

last light slips away
an arrogant Sun
turns his back

All earth bows its head in silence

yet midnight lovers brush her fragrant fingers
and still her sensual memory lingers

as honeysuckle does not sleep
but seeks love from distant stars.

Veiled skies reveal a cooler night
a subterfuge to capture Mars

enticing him on nights sweet breath
holding deep her primal power

come abandon yourself, imbue your heat
on Earths eternal unspent flower

Debra Cazalet, 2003

Hairy Girls & Silk Blouses (please, a little humour)

 I’ve known people

to blatantly balk at my underarm hair.

In fact, they’d feel

quite queasy,

find it

out-and-out odious

to have gleaned a glimpse

I wonder how we had come to be like this

so out of love with nature

so niggled by naturalness

so loathing of Lucinda’s long-haired legs

so baffled by Belinda’s burgeoning bristle

after that, I realised I too was

unaccountably uncomfortable

when my arms were lightly lifted

like swans necks
Then of course, I’d be overcome

by the urge to have

underarms like newborn cuckoos

those brazenly bald little baby birds

as little-big boys bow down to a fully waxed female

all skimpy and oiled, as slick as a seal

I think I must reassess my appeal
Oh, but that’ll never do!

The time it takes to strip the skin

to highlight the hair, to neaten the nails

the time it takes to buff the body

to dodge

the derrières



is time less spent

in intelligence
so you see, rebellion’s set in

the razors been relegated

to the shadows of the shelf

to the corner of the cabinet

to the bottom of the bathroom bin

the unaffected new me, the wild woman of wonga has 

taken over the bikini line

and the whole length of the legs

I struggle, now, with skirts

any shorter than 

ankle length

well, girly clothes do no justice to natural Woman

as hairy girls and silk blouses do not mix, so I’m
selling up and shipping out

to a place where I can beat my drum and

bellydance bare-assed beneath

voluminous veils of un-vanity

where I can pee standing

if I so choose

yes, as well I might

urinate in the upright

and in broad daylight


if I so choose.

And, to answer a question

I’ll quaintly quantify that

I’ve no beef

with men who don’t shave


Who wantonly wangle out of

waxing the wayward on winky and

deleteriously depilating their downy derrieres


maybe instead I’ll raise them a salute

while welcoming all to my haven

for the happily hirsute